Downing MCR

Welcome to Downing MCR!

Postgraduate students at Downing become members of the Middle Combination Room (MCR) whose committee represents postgraduate students’ views and organises social events. MCR committee members are elected by postgraduate students at the end of Michaelmas Term every academic year.

The events organised by the MCR committee include Formal Halls, swaps with other Colleges, Postgraduate Seminars giving students the opportunity to present their research to members of the College, an Annual Postgraduate Conference, and an exchange with Lincoln College, Oxford, among others.

With around 500 members, the MCR is a multi-disciplinary, culturally diverse and international community, closely integrated into the academic and social life of the College.

The Middle Combination Room

The common room used by postgraduates is called the Middle Combination Room (MCR), which is located on S Staircase. It features a pool table, foosball table, projector and screen, as well as coffee and tea making facilities. The MCR bar is open during Term Time every Friday at 9pm and on special occasions as announced by the MCR committee.

MCR and JCR committee members jointly administer the Amalgamation Club, which provides funding to College clubs and societies. This covers all College sports clubs, academic societies and societies for other hobbies. All postgraduate students are welcome and encouraged to join these clubs and take part in College activities of all types. A list of College clubs and societies along with relevant contact details is available on the Intranet (login required).

Opting out

Students can opt out of MCR membership and may continue to access college facilities and events (including MCR dinners and the room itself) on equal terms with MCR members. Please note, if you choose to opt out of MCR membership you lose the ability to vote in MCR elections and the right to be represented by the MCR committee.                           

MCR President

The President and Vice-President of the MCR represent the graduate students at the Governing Body, the General Purposes Committee and various other committees. The current MCR President is Felix Prutton.

MCR Committee 2024/25

Current Postgraduate student email list

If you believe you are not receiving emails via the College's current Postgraduate email list, then please email