Subject Admissions Webinars
Subject Admissions Webinars
Register for upcoming Subject Admission Webinars for Modern and Medieval Languages, Classics, Biological Natural Sciences, and Human, Social and Political Sciences below.
Downing College are running subject based admissions webinars with live subject Q&As for students interested in studying at the University of Cambridge.
The subject admissions webinars include a course summary from the Director of Studies, an introduction to student life from a current student and a live Q&A, where there is an opportunity to speak to the Director of Studies and student about their subject.
Sign up to the subject admissions webinar via the links below. Some of these webinars will also be recorded and available on our You Tube channel.
Prior to joining the relevant subject admission webinar, you are encouraged to watch Downing College’s Admissions Tutor, Dr Kamran Yunus’s, explanation of the Admissions Process and his responses to frequently asked questions.
If you have a question, please email:
Subject admissions webinars
If the subject you are interested in studying is not being offered, please find links to previous subject admissions webinars at the bottom of the page.
Previous webinars
Biological Natural Sciences webinar
Human, Social and Political Sciences webinar
Modern & Medieval Languages webinar
Philosophy & Theology (Joint Session) webinar