Dr Xose Rosales Sequeiros
College Position
Other Positions

College Associate Professor, Head of Academic Skills

Degrees and Honours

BA Hons, PGCert, MPhil, PhD

Research Interests

My research interests have been based around the broad area of communication, pragmatics, and semantics, as well as translation and linguistics more generally. I have carried out research on topics such as intra-/inter-linguistic communication, metaphor, irony, and the relationship between language and cognition. I have published widely, including several single authored books and a broad range of articles in internationally refereed journals, such as Journal of Pragmatics, Modern Language Review, Linguistic Sciences, Babel, and Second Language Research. I have contributed to UK Research Excellence Frameworks (where in the RAE 2008 I achieved the UK top overall average score in my unit of assessment). I have attracted external research funding from a variety of sources including the British Academy, EU, Spain, and China.

Within academic skills, I have worked on a wide variety of topics, including academic language, essay structure, and academic argumentation, as well as the use of evidence in academic work, critical analysis, and stylistic skills. I have also delivered training in several research areas, such as methodology (quantitative, qualitative, action research, etc.), presentation and discussion of research results, abstract/introduction/conclusion writing, and referencing. I have applied this work to UG dissertation and projects, setting PhD/MA research questions, planning PhD/MA methodology, and PhD/MA thesis structure, amongst others. 

Select Publications

Books (Research Monographs)

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2022) Verbal Communication and Cognition in Galician. Lincom: Munich.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2021) Varieties of Linguistic Meaning in Galician. Lincom: Munich.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2018) Semantics and Non-truth-conditional Meaning. Lincom: Munich.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2014) Pragmatics and Verbal Communication. Lincom: Munich.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2012) Linguistic Meaning and Non-truth-conditionality. Peter Lang: Witney.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2010) Pragmatics and Relevance in Spanish. Lincom: Munich. (ISBN: 3 89586 880 9)

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2007) Non-truth-conditional Semantics in Spanish: Conceptual and Procedural Meaning. Lincom: Munich. (ISBN: 3 89586 879 5)

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2005) Effects of Pragmatic Interpretation on Translation: Communicative Gaps and Textual Discrepancies. Lincom: Munich. (ISBN: 3 89586 795 0)

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2005) Current Issues in Galician Semantics and Pragmatics.  Lincom: Munich. (ISBN: 3 89586 795 0) 

Journal Articles

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2016) ‘Metaphor: Pragmatics, Relevance, and Cognition,’ English Studies 97(6), pp. 656-677.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2011) ‘On Metaphor, Relevance, and Pragmatic Interpretation in Spanish’, Modern Language Review 106 (4), pp. 1028-53.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2011) ‘Irony, relevance, and pragmatic interpretation in Spanish’, Language Sciences 33, pp. 369-385.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2005) ‘the Pragmatics of Translation.’ In K. Brown (ed.)  Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd Ed.). pp. 14. Elsevier: Oxford.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2004) ‘Interpretation of Reflexive Anaphora in L2 VP-Ellipsis: Relevance Theory and Paradigms of Explanation.’ Second Language Research 20, 3:256-280.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2004) ‘Formulaic Expressions in Translation.’ TRANS 8:105-114.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2004) ‘A Pramática do Galego’. In F. Fernández Rei (ed.) A Lingua Galega. Historia e Actualidade. Actas do I Congreso Internacional. Volume IV. pp. 1-14. Instituto da Lingua Galega: Santiago.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2002) ‘Non-declarative Sentences in Spanish: The Case of the Infinitive’, in J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.) From Words to Discourse: Trends in Spanish Semantics and Pragmatics. pp. 95-118. Elsevier: Amsterdam.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2002) `Interlingual Pragmatic Enrichment in Literary Translation', in Journal of Pragmatics, 34:1069-1089.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2001) `Types and Degrees of Interpretive Resemblance in Translation', in Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 14, 197-211.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2000) ‘Uso Interpretativo de la Lengua: Disque y Seica en Lengua Gallega’. In F. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (ed.) Panorama Actual de la Lingüística Aplicada: Conocimiento, Procesamiento y Uso del Lenguaje (Vol. 1). pp. 375-385. Universidad de la Rioja: Logroño.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2000) `The Semantics of Prepositional Direct Objects in Galician’, in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXXVII, No 4, October 2000.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (1998) `Degrees of Acceptability in Literary Translation’, in Babel 44:1, 1-14.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (1998) `Interpretive Use of Language in Galician: The Case of Disque and Seica’, in Galician Review 2: 1-13.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (1998) `Interlingual Impoverishment in Translation', in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXXV:145-157.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (1997) `Translation Discrepancies in Galician: Hamlet', in Donaire 8:62-67.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (1997) `Presuppositional Effects in English and Galician', in Galician Review 1:13-26.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (1995) `Discourse Relations, Coherence and Temporal Relations’, in J. Harris (ed.) UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 7, pp. 177-195. University College London: Department of Phonetics and Linguistics.