My research interests have been based around thin-film deposition and the development of techniques for the precise control of film structure. I have worked with many different thin-film materials for magnetic, superconducting and multiferroic device development, as well as for a wider range of applications (e.g. ultra-hard coatings, biomedical coatings, shape memory metals, and catalysts).
S Kurdi, Y Sakuraba, K Masuda, H Tajiro, B Nair, G F Nataf, M E Vickers, G Reiss, M Meinert, S S Dhesi, M Ghidini, and Z H Barber, Quantitative atomic order characterization of a Mn2FeAl Heusler epitaxial thin film, J. Phys. D – Appl. Phys. 55 (2022) 185305
E Bhatia, Z Hussain, V R Reddy, Z H Barber, and K Senapati, Unconventional domain wall magnetoresistance of patterned Ni/Nb bilayer structures below superconducting transition temperature of Nb, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 33 (2021) 295803
E Bhatia, A Srivastava, J Devine-Stoneman, N A Stelmashenko, Z H Barber, J W A Robinson, and K Senapati Nanoscale Domain Wall Engineered Spin-Triplet Josephson Junctions and SQUID, Nano Letters 21 (2021) 3092 - 3097
M Coisson, W Huttenes, M Cialone, G Barrera, F Celegato, P Rizzi, Z H Barber, and P Tiberto, Measurement of thin film magnetostriction using field-dependent atomic force microscopy, Appl. Surf. Sci. 525 (2020) 146514
S Kurdi, M Ghidini, G Divitini, B Nair, A Kursumovic, P Tiberto, S S Dhesi, and Z H Barber Exchange-bias via nanosegregation in novel Fe2-xMn1+xAl (x = -0.25, 0, 0.25) Heusler films, Nanoscale Advances 2 (2020) 2602 - 2609
S Kurdi, P Zilske, X D Xu, M Frentrup, M E Vickers, Y Sakuraba, G Reiss, Z H Barber, and J W Koo Optimization of ruthenium as a buffer layer for non-collinear antiferromagnetic Mn3X films J. Appl. Phys. 127 (2020) 165302
E Bhatia, J M Devine-Stoneman, Z H Barber, J W A Robinson, K Senapati Magnetic field tunable superconducting transition in Nb/Co/Py/Nb exchange spring multilayers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116 (2020) 112601