Preliminary Reading List: Linguistics Part I
Try to do all the reading listed under General as this is aimed at giving you a general sense of what modern Linguistics is about and the sorts of things about languages that interest linguists. Browsing the listed blogs will also give you a better idea about these questions.
Additionally, for each of the first-year papers, I have listed introductory reading (start with) that you should try to do before you come up. These are followed by some useful sources that will allow you to get a more systematic introduction to the sub-areas these 4 papers (Li1-Li4) are concerned with. You are not expected to read all of the sources listed under Continue to, but it would be a good idea to pick one text dealing with each of the main sub-components of the papers (listed in each case).
If you have questions about the reading, please don’t hesitate to contact me: Professor Ian Roberts, Director of Studies (
Adger, D. 2019. Language Unlimited. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Braber, N Cummings, L & Morrish, L (2015). Exploring Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP
Burridge, K & Stebbins, T N (2016). For the Love of Language. An introduction to Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP
Deutscher, G. (2010). Through the Language Looking Glass. London: Penguin.
Pereltsvaig, A. (2012). Languages of the World. An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (with further discussion on the author’s blog:
Pinker, S. (1995). The Language Instinct. London: Penguin.
Radford, A et al. (2009). Linguistics: An introduction. Cambridge: CUP
Roberts, I. 2017. The Wonders of Language, or How to Make Noises and Influence People. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
And a blog you may find useful/interesting (if nothing else, it will give you a good idea about the sorts of issues “practising” linguists today like to debate):
Li1 – Sounds and Words
(this course focuses on Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology)
Start with:
Crystal, D. (1997). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (Chapters 27-29, 40). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pinker, S. (1995). The Language Instinct. (Chapters 5 and 6). London: Penguin.
Continue to:
Ashby, M. & J. Maidment (2005). Introducing Phonetic Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Aronoff, M. & K. Fudeman (2011). What is Morphology? London: Blackwell.
Booij, G (2012). The Grammar of Words: An introduction to Linguistic Morphology. Oxford: OUP
Carstairs-McCarthy, A. (2002). An Introduction to English Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Catford, J C (2001). A Practical Introduction to Phonetics. Oxford: OUP
Davenport, M. & S.J. Hannahs (2005). Introducing Phonetics and Phonology. London: Hodder Education.
Knight, R-A (2012). Phonetics. A coursebook. Cambridge: CUP
McMahon, A. (2002). An Introduction to English Phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Odden, D (2013). Introducing Phonology. Cambridge: CUP
Spencer, A (2004). 'Morphology - an overview of central concepts'. In Louisa Sadler and Andrew Spencer (eds.) Projecting Morphology. Stanford University: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 67-110.
Li2 – Structures and meanings
(This course is concerned with Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics)
Start with:
Aitchison, J. (2003). Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford: Blackwell.
Baker, M. (2003). The Atoms of Language. London: Penguin.
Radford, A (2016). Analysing English Sentences. Cambridge: CUP
Thomas, J. (1996). Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics. London: Longman.
Continue to:
Burton-Roberts, N. (1997). Analysing Sentences: An Introduction to English Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cook, V. & M. Newson (1996/2006). Chomsky's Universal Grammar. An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
Cruse, A (2010). Meaning in Language: An introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: OUP
Elbourne, P. (2011). Meaning: A Slim Guide to Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Huang, Y (2014). Pragmatics. Oxford: OUP
Mey, J. L. (2001). Pragmatics: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
Saeed, J. (2003). Semantics. London: Blackwell.
Tallerman, M. (1998/2005). Understanding Syntax. London: Arnold.
Li3 – Language, Brain and Society
(This course is concerned with psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics)
Start with:
Pinker’s Language Instinct.
Aitchison, J. (2011 or an earlier edition). The Articulate Mammal. London: Taylor and Francis
Coulmas, F (2013). Sociolinguistics. The Study of Speakers' Choices. Cambridge: CUP
Edwards, J (2013). Sociolinguistics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: OUP
Yang, C. (2006). The Infinite Gift: How children learn and unlearn the Languages of the World. New York: Scribner.
Continue to:
Clark, E V (2016). First Language Acquisition. Cambridge: CUP
Harley, T. (2008/1995). The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory. Hove: Psychology Press.
Holmes, J. 2001. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman.
Meisel, J M (2011). First and Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: CUP
Mesthrie, R., J. Swann, A. Deumert & W. Leap. (2000). Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, I. M. 1995. The Mind of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity. Oxford: Blackwell.
Trudgill, P (2011). Sociolinguistic Typology: Social Determinants of Linguistic Complexity. Oxford: OUP
Warren, P (2012). Introducing Psycholinguistics. Cambridge: CUP
Li4 – History and Varieties of English
(This course is concerned with the History of English and also with English dialects, including pidgins and creoles)
Start with:
Brinton, L & Arnovick, L (2011). The English Language. A Linguistic History. Oxford: OUP
Bybee, J (2015). Language Change. Cambridge : CUP
Crystal, D. (2002). The English Language. London: Penguin.
Crystal, D. (2004). The Stories of English. London: Allen Lane (Penguin Books).
Schneider, E W (2010). English Around the World. An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP
Continue to:
Denison, D. & R. Hogg (2006). A History of the English language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Graddol, D., D. Leith & J. Swann (2002/1996). English: History, Diversity and Change. London: Routledge.
Hughes, A., P. Trudgill & D. Watt (2005). English Accents and Dialects. London: Hodder Arnold.
Kortmann, B. & C. Upton (2008). Varieties of English: The British Isles. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Kyto, M & Pahta, P (2016). The Cambridge Handbook of English Historical Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP
Marsden, R (2015). The Cambridge Old English Reader. Cambridge: CUP
Mugglestone, L (2012). The Oxford History of English. Oxford: OUP
Siemund, P (2013). Varieties of English. A Typological Approach. Cambridge: CUP
Smith, J J (2009). Old English: An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP
Todd, L. (1990). Pidgins and Creoles. Routledge.